Saturday, October 25, 2014

An answer to Islamic Terrorists

It amazes me that Liberal media still refer to isis as militants and not  terrorists. These cowardly murderers kill non combatants as well as women and children. Isis , al queda, ham-ass and aall other terrorist groups must be eliminated from our planet. These low life goat shaggers have to be dealt with in the most fearsome way possible.

In 1911, General John (black Jack) Pershing was having a problem with Islamic terrorism in the Philippines. He ordered the execution of some captives. After they dug their own graves,they were smeared with pigs blood, shot and buried with pig parts. One was released to spread the word. The result was no more activity by islamists for 50 years.

I would recommend we take the following steps in all the middle east countries where these cowards seek refuge:
1) Use the Pershing approach or at least decapitate them as well as cut of their genitals.
2) provide weapons to the 2nd Peshmaga battalion completely composed of women fighting in Iraq and Syria. The terrorists will panic over the thought of being killed by a woman.
3) As an extension of #2 send more women Jet fighter pilots out to strafe and bomb these animals.
4) Provide pigs blood for our troops to bathe bullets prior to use.

These useless animals only deserve treatment as bad or worse than they give.

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