Wednesday, January 23, 2013

November 6,2012 A truly Black Tuesday

The election results were not only dissappointing and depressing, they confirmed "The dumbing down of America".OBUMMERITES proved the need for a basic intelligence test to allow people to vote.Given blacks ,hispanics,illegals and freeloaders were committed by racism or greed -WHAT THE HELL WERE THE REST OF THEM THINKING?

Having been a Mayor and active in a Political party I have some expertise in analysing election results.So consider some of the glaring inequities in the national election.
Fifty nine precincts in Philadelphia recorded not one vote for Romney! Impossible! at least one dumb  black would have pressed the wrong button.Was there an investigation of that election district board? NO- but if Romney had won even one precinct unanamously,holder,Sharpton and the rest of obummers crew would be yelling RACISM and demanding investigation.

In New Jersey  I have more experience with political demographics and tendencies.In the Northern sector there are interesting resultsTowns like River Vale,Old Tappan,Park Ridge,Oradell and Emerson  are composed mainly of middle and upper middle class voters.While the majority are white,Romney polled about 55%to 45%.
In Tenafly,Saddle Brook,Rigefield and Lyndhurst -populatio more blue collar,majority white and a stron history of staunch Democrat party allegiance.The polling here was about 60/40 for obummer.
In Hackensack,clifton and Prospect Park where the majority is black,hispanic or on welfare you see an 80% obummer vote.

Then there's the CLASSIC case of Patterson where you can guess the voter composition while they give obummer 95% of the vote!!! Are you serious Ghandi or Mother Theresa couldn't poll 95%
Dare I suggest there were some improprieties ? No there were outright acts of unchecked and un-investigated FRAUD>

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