Thursday, April 26, 2012

Obummer the worst President in History

Polls show a favorable rating for obummer over Romney among blacks,hispanics and women..This should puzzle any thinking voter.
I can understand that portion of those groups who want what the food stamp President will give them.The majority should consider some facts:

1)The unemployment rate is 8.2% but actually 8.8% when you add back in those who have used up their payments or just given up.
However, unemplyment among blacks is 16.7%,Hispanics 10.4% and Women 10.6%.
2)In addition,women lost a vast majority of jobs overall.
3)A panel  of respected Doctors reviewed the "Just in case Pill"
   and found it had a very low incidence of side effects while being highly effective in stopping pregnancy.They reccomended that the
FDA approve it as an over the counter medication for all women of child bearing age. FDA concurred but the obummer administration saw fit to overide FDA .There is no doubt this was a political move
in an attempt to gain some favor with the religious right.Apparently votes are more important then helping young women who make a mistake.

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