Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Since Nixon announced the "War on drugs in 1971" we have spent ove a Trillion Dollars and accomplished very little.Naming drug czars,creating special forcesand bribing other nations has been to no avail.WHY?BECAUSE THE PROFIT IS SO HUGE IT CORRUPTS LAW ENFORCEMENT AND THE GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS AT ALL LEVELS.

The drug Industry generates Billions in profit , so much that it ranks in the top 10.Imagine howmuch is made to be able to allow a cartel to buy a submarine to make ONE drug run.Thousands of Mexicans and South Americans are murdered each year by heartless gangsters to instill fear and protect drug routes.DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE PRISON TIME WILL DETER THESE ANIMALS?

There are currently 600,000 people incarsarated in the US for Marijuana possesion.Some for volume trafficking but the vast majority for minor levels of drug possession.A person is arrested here every 8 seconds  for a minor drug related offense.So many that they overcrowd jails clog the courts and cause early release of more dangerous people.The attention to Marijuana has made it into a costly business of enforcement and prosecution to the detriment of using resources for more important issues. Did we not learn anything from Prohibition?
In my opinion,we should immediately decriminalize Marijuana.Next make it legal produced by controlled farms and sold and taxed along the lines of cigarettes.This would kill the profit and stop the 40-50% of drug traffic from Mexico.Since pot smokers are a minority,there would be no additional strain on Health services the already exists with legal cigarette smokers.The taxes obtaines would be earmarked for Health,Education and Social Security ONLY.It would also allow us to more safely protect the border from illegal aliens.

Now for a far more contrivercial approach to the epidemic of hard drugs. This is a far greater negative impact on law abiding citizens.Less thah 11% of our people are hard core users or addicts.The producers,dealers and their supporters in Law Enforcement and Government deserve execution.While the users fill up our jails,rob,beat and murder to support their habit as well as cost us too much for incarceration and rehab.I would have the major American drug companies produce coke,crack,ecstacy etc. in a cheap,clean controlled injestable form .Foreign drugs would be banned .This would then be available by prescription to those(over 21) who would be psychologically and medically examined.They would also sign a waiver accepting total responsibility for any subsequent legal or medical result.Removing the profit incentive would collapse the illegal drug traffic and provide revenue for positive social programs.Would some people overdose and die? Probably but  the vast majority of Americans would be better off.
 Pharmacy pain pill dispencing should be from a contained bullet proof bank  like area with a pass through device and silent alarm. Prescription drugs would be controlled  better by audit of suppliers and swift investigation of outlets.Doctors and Pharmacists convicted of illegal sale or distribution would lose licences and get a minimum 10 year sentence in the worst prison possible.

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