Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How's that "CHANGE" working for you?

Gas prices going up daily.Sixteen States flooded or ravaged by tornados but FEMA has no money.
New Orleans and its coastal waters still a mess but BP fund remains 90% unspent?
Obummer and company sit on their hands but continue to send billions to countries that hate us.
A great insult is over a billion to Brazil for off shore drilling while drilling the huge Alaskan field is held up by Bureaucratic red tape.
Gary Indiana and Detroit haveUnemployment in excess of 30% while Obummer has 40 people on his press staff and another 50 writing speeches and press releases to keep a lid on those facts. One in six children do not get three decent meals a day while Michele goes on vacations at your expense,The housing market is tanking while foreclosures add thousands to the homeless roles daily.
So what's the Administration solution?-IT DOES NOT HAVE ONE.

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